Kamis, 14 Maret 2019

What Jesus Taught And Why It Matters edition by Georg Retzlaff Religion Spirituality eBooks lesen XVX

What Jesus Taught And Why It Matters edition by Georg Retzlaff Religion Spirituality eBooks PDF Reader JUQ

What Jesus Taught And Why It Matters edition by Georg Retzlaff Religion Spirituality eBooks PDF Reader What%20Jesus%20Taught%20And%20Why%20It%20Matters%20%20edition%20by%20Georg%20Retzlaff%20Religion%20Spirituality%20eBooks


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  • Do Jesus and His Gospel really matter? Looking at Christianity today, 2000 years later, one wonders whether what He shared with the world was quickly smothered by Old Testament legalism, Zoroastrian fantasies, Greek philosophical speculations, and Germanic folk traditions. Most Christians seem to think that their religion is about "going to heaven", eternal life after death, someone "paying the price" for our sins (to either God or the devil – an issue still not resolved). If Christianity is not first and foremost about His Words of Eternal Life, about the Gospel He preached, but rather about pre-, and preter-Christian ideologies, it has no right to call itself Christian. This book is about Jesus, and Jesus alone. No one should have laid another foundation except with His words being the cornerstone of all we are and do.

    ebook,Georg Retzlaff,What Jesus Taught And Why It Matters,Authorhouse,RELIGION / Spirituality

    What Jesus Taught And Why It Matters edition by Georg Retzlaff Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews :

    Do Jesus and His Gospel really matter? Looking at Christianity today, 2000 years later, one wonders whether what He shared with the world was quickly smothered by Old Testament legalism, Zoroastrian fantasies, Greek philosophical speculations, and Germanic folk traditions. Most Christians seem to think that their religion is about "going to heaven", eternal life after death, someone "paying the price" for our sins (to either God or the devil – an issue still not resolved). If Christianity is not first and foremost about His Words of Eternal Life, about the Gospel He preached, but rather about pre-, and preter-Christian ideologies, it has no right to call itself Christian. This book is about Jesus, and Jesus alone. No one should have laid another foundation except with His words being the cornerstone of all we are and do.

    ebook,Georg Retzlaff,What Jesus Taught And Why It Matters,Authorhouse,RELIGION / Spirituality

    What Jesus Taught And Why It Matters - edition by Georg Retzlaff. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading What Jesus Taught And Why It Matters.


    Product details

    • File Size 344 KB
    • Print Length 128 pages
    • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
    • Publisher Authorhouse (September 24, 2010)
    • Publication Date September 24, 2010
    • Language English
    • ASIN B0044R9CO0
    "" [Review ]

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